CNSE, is a French company with 45-years old know-how in manufacturing custom-made welfare units for jobsites. It became the leader in France for welfare and decontamination Units (DCU) and is now exporting its know-how all accross Europe. The whole range of mobile units is European certified, confirming by the way the quality of the processes and materials used.100% of the chassis are hot galvanized for a maximale resistance against corrosion. The tow bars from AL-KO, adjustable in height, model VB2, allow adapting easily to all type of vehicles. The walls and roof made of 30mm sandwich panels assure an easy maintenance and an optimal weight/ insulation ratio. CNSE, with its plant along the A6 highway in North of Lyon, is manufacturing 100% of the mobile units and is adapting them to the customer specifications. CNSE is offering to the customer a wide possibility of finishing from standard units to Premium ones with round shaped alu profiles. The customer benefits from a wide choice in the colors for the painting or the flooring of their units, and in equipment for the inside layout : resin floor and furniture, different types of lockers.... as well as in the technical facilities : selfsufficiency in water & energy, promotion of green energies, boosted Negative Pressure Unit, and so on... CNSE ensures a performing After Sales Service, which replies, advises and intervenes rapidly with skilled teams, included in environment contaminated by Asbestos, if necessary.