
CNSE, is a French company with 45-years old know-how in manufacturing custom-made welfare units for jobsites. It became the leader in France for welfare and decontamination Units (DCU) and is now exporting its know-how all accross Europe.

The whole range of mobile units is European certified, confirming by the way the quality of the processes and materials used.100% of the chassis are hot galvanized for a maximale resistance against corrosion. The tow bars from AL-KO, adjustable in height, model VB2, allow adapting easily to all type of vehicles. The walls and roof made of 30mm sandwich panels assure an easy maintenance and an optimal weight/ insulation ratio.

CNSE, with its plant along the A6 highway in North of Lyon, is manufacturing 100% of the mobile units and is adapting them to the customer specifications. CNSE is offering to the customer a wide possibility of finishing from standard units to Premium ones with round shaped alu profiles.  The customer benefits from a wide choice in the colors for the painting or the flooring of their units, and in equipment for the inside layout : resin floor and furniture, different types of lockers.... as well as in the technical facilities :  selfsufficiency in water & energy, promotion of green energies, boosted Negative Pressure Unit,  and so on...

CNSE ensures a performing After Sales Service, which replies, advises and intervenes rapidly with skilled teams, included in environment contaminated by Asbestos, if necessary.

Feel free to contact us for all your special requests, our design office with our salesteam will take into account to study their faisability in compliance with the current standards requirements (Road 2007/46/CE, Electrical C15-100, Gas EN 1949, Asbestos equipment INRS ED6244 (France), TRGS 519 (Germany), EKAS 6503 (Switzerland), Health & Safety 2012- N°632 (UK), Asbestverwijderingsbesluit 2005 (Nederlands)....